Salt + Spine
Salt & Spine
Rediscovering your food culture (and Nordic baked goods) with Magnus Nilsson

Rediscovering your food culture (and Nordic baked goods) with Magnus Nilsson

“It's been amazing … I thought I knew pretty much everything about [Nordic food culture] and it turned out that I didn't know anywhere near as much as I thought."

This week, we're excited to welcome Magnus Nilsson to SALT + SPINE, the podcast on stories behind cookbooks.

When Magnus, cookbook author and head chef at the restaurant Fäviken, set out to document the traditions, recipes and food culture of the Nordic region six years ago, he ran into a problem: Baking played such a big role in Nordic food. How could he relegate it to a simple chapter? So he didn’t.

In 2015, Magnus published his first volume The Nordic Cookbook, followed by The Nordic Baking Book, released this fall.

“ [Baking] is the simplest entry into cooking...well-developed pastry and baking recipes, if you follow them to the dot, you’re going to get something decent out of it. But at the same time it’s also the most difficult part of cooking to get intuitively good at. And I think the reason for this is that we don’t allow ourselves to try because we execute the recipe perfectly.”


In today’s episode, we’re talking with Magnus about defining what goes in a baking book, the journey to rediscovering your own food culture and classic Nordic traditions many people use still today in their kitchens.  

Plus, we chat with Paula Forbes, editor of Stained Page News, about her favorite baking books this fall.

Salt + Spine
Salt & Spine
We tell the compelling stories behind cookbooks you won't get anywhere else. Featuring interviews with leading authors, we explore the art and craft of cookbooks, looking at both new and vintage cookbooks and the inspirations behind them … the compelling people who create them … and their impact on home cooks and the culinary world.