Our Favorite Fall Recipes
It's finally October! The weather—and the farmers market offerings—are starting to shift. We've got you covered.
Happy Friday!
Somehow it’s mid-October already, and our meals are moving in a decidedly autumn direction. Squash is making its way onto our counters, braises are on the brain, and Thanksgiving is already on the radar. We thought we’d take this Friday newsletter to share a few of our favorite autumn recipes from previous guests with you.
But before we get into the recipes… to celebrate hearty fall cooking, we’re offering 20% off paid subscriptions! Become a paid subscriber by the end of the month and discover your next great recipe. Paid subscribers have full access to the Salt + Spine archive, including hundreds of exclusive and featured recipes. Get full access today:
Carrot Pot Roast by Farmer Lee Jones

Fall days are perfect for puttering around the kitchen, staying close to that cozy stove top, and sitting down to a delicious meal just as the sun starts to drop down and the temperature follows it. Try Farmer Lee Jones’ Carrot Pot Roast for a hearty, vegetarian main dish with all the complex flavors that fall has to offer you.
Cold Prevention Soup by Nancy Singleton Hachisu

Autumn. The kids are back in school. The temperature is dropping. And that means… colds are back. We haven’t had to worry about them as much for a few years, but even vaccinated and masked up, the familiar foe can’t be warded off forever. When you find yourself with a runny nose, a headache, and hankering for some extra Netflix, ask someone to make you some Cold Prevention Soup by Nancy Singleton Hachisu.
The Apple by Chris Taylor & Paul Arguin

Any good fall recipe round-up wouldn’t be complete without a couple of pies. Here’s an apple pie so classic that authors Chris Taylor and Paul Arguin named it simply: “The Apple.”
Wave of Wonders by Lauren Ko

Or, maybe you’re looking for something a pie that’s a little more contemporary—in which case, can check out Lauren Ko’s glamorous, geometric masterpieces like this pear-ombre “Wave of Wonders.”
Pomegranate Couscous from David LeFevre of Manhattan Beach Post (via Aleksandra Crapanzano)

It’s always a cause for celebration when the first pomegranates of the season make a glitzy appearance at the market. This pomegranate couscous takes full advantage of the fruit’s jewel-toned beauty and tart flavor.
Roasted Kabocha Squash with Pepitas & Rosemary Brown Butter by Justin Wangler & Tracey Shepos Cenami

One of the best things about early fall is that we’re not sick of the squash quite yet and they’re delicious roasted or puréed. Can’t decide which direction to head….Why not make both? Try this Roasted Kabocha Squash with Pepitas & Rosemary Brown Butter from Justin Wangler & Tracey Shepos Cenami, two of the culinary minds at Jackson Family Wines, or…
Rosemary Butternut Squash Soup with Toasted-Hazelnut Milk by Amy Chaplin
…or set that squash toward the blender for Amy Chaplin’s Rosemary Butternut Squash Soup with Toasted-Hazelnut Milk.

Crispy Cauliflower with Kale and Rotini by Allison Arevalo

And last, but definitely not least, a pasta dish for busy weeknights from author Allison Arevalo. She recommends pairing this Crispy Cauliflower with Kale and Rotini with a Spanish Rioja or Cava.
What have you been cooking lately? Share in the comments below what’s on your fall recipe list.
A reminder that paid subscribers have full access to the Salt + Spine archive, including hundreds of exclusive and featured recipes. And to celebrate hearty fall cooking, we’re offering 20% off your first year! Become a paid subscriber by the end of the month and discover your next great recipe:
Happy fall cooking to all of you!
— Brian, Clea, and the Salt & Spine team